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joe royal 4:56 Sat Jun 13
Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?

Bet he never steals again

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Eerie Descent 12:03 Tue Jun 16
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
It's alright to fight at work though, apparently. All shits & giggles that is.

No heavy handedness when you're being robbed though. Way out of line.

Chris-e-boy 10:04 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
Put it this way: If the little twat had turned up in your house and helped himself to your stuff would you all think it wrong to give the little shit a slap?

Yeah, he might not have taken stuff out of the shop and as such can't technically be done for nicking, but I didn't hear too many protestations of innocence.

If you're a thief and can't take a bit of rough justice if you're caught then you're in the wrong line of business.

joe royal 9:44 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
I'm on the side of the cheese here .

11MDE 9:40 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?

Woodford Green 8:37 Mon Jun 15

Spot on.

DukeofDevo 9:17 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
Maybe a petition to make it alright to rough up shoplifters and anybody else who steps out of line
id like to be the one to decide who gets it, i know ill do a good job.

ted fenton 8:51 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
The shop was actually in Clacton mashed which has it's fair share of druggies & low life we had it for 20 years so saw a bit of life !!!

mashed in maryland 8:50 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
"Two wrongs don't make a right!"

Maybe not if we're talking philosophically.

But ever wondered why shops have photos of known shoplifters all over their walls? Ever wondered why we read about these people with 300+ convictions? Cos the police/system doesn't do fuck all to deter the average shoplifter. I'd guess that the possibility of being slapped about in public would put the average shoplifter off far more than what the "system" may threaten.

DukeofDevo 8:42 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
yeah it might be a franchise I don't know how much they earn probably enough or they wouldn't do it!

I don't know anything about smack heads and Tramps in East Ham as i moved out in 1985.

im not sure if people are backing the shoplifter either just that the happy slapper went OTT

Two wrongs don't make a right!

chim chim cha boo 8:42 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
DukeofDevo 8:10 Mon Jun 15

Touching stuff that you still believe in putting a thief through the 'system'.

I wish the world were that simple. In actual fact the shoplifter will just be seen as someone clogging up the courts IF he's got through the 5 or 6 cautions at the police station and ends up in court to start with. If he's a serial offender he knows it's a small fine and at worst 80 hours leaning on a broom looking feckless.

The shopkeeper knows this of course (it's bollocks that he doesn't work there by the way- he probably works at a few branches). Now the little cunt will probably get compensation and countless sneaky bastards will HOPE they get a slap next time they're caught shoplifting.

Do people still wonder why immigrants risk death to come here passing on France and other European countries? It's because we have a justice system so heavily weighted in their direction.

Shoplift, get a well deserved slap and get a nice pile of money while the shopkeeper goes to prison.

mashed in maryland 8:41 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
With all due respect ted your shop is in Frinton. This is a costcutter selling booze in East Ham, which as we are constantly reminded on here is a bit of a shithole.

Bet the staff there have to deal with mobs of kids doing snatch and runs and pissed up arseholes nightly, plus an almost certain recent increase due to Romanian professional thieves.

Can't say I blame them if they get a bit sick of it and take it out on someone who's thick enough to get caught.

Woodford Green 8:41 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
mashed in maryland 8:34 Mon Jun 15

Can't believe everyone is backing the thief here.

Precisely. Have they not got anything they have worked hard for that they wouldn't to the same thing to protect? The worlds gone soft.

ted fenton 8:37 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
I caught all kinds of people in my shop on the nick but I never did that ! I would make them look stupid and offer them the opportunity to pay for the goods or give them back.
Only once did a bloke look mental and fortunately he threw what he had nicked and f#cked off.

Woodford Green 8:37 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
Just been reading the latest responses on the thread and am pleased to see a lot more having no sympathy with the thief.

I couldn't believe the earlier posts supporting the thief (some even trying to turn it into another racial thread) but then again this is WHO and nothing surprises me on here.

mashed in maryland 8:34 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
DukeofDevo 8:29 Mon Jun 15

May be wrong here but ain't CostCutter a franchise?

The "store owners" or "shop managers" probably earn fuck all.

And to top it all every smackhead and tramp in East Ham probably see them as an easy target, especially when compared to Tesco or whatever who have security guards etc.

Can't believe everyone is backing the thief here.

mashed in maryland 8:31 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
bruuuno 8:26 Mon Jun 15

I didn't wanna say it first but that is a FUCKING FACT.

Whenever these internet videos go about of someone taking the law into their own hands and it's an old white bloke against a young black bloke or whatever they're a "legend" or whatever.

100% nailed on fact if this was a white bloke and the shoplifter was a minority everyone on here would be saying they should be knighted and making up bollocks stories about how they always went in his shop when they were kids etc etc

DukeofDevo 8:29 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
Neither will the slapper I reckon he's been disowned by the shop owner and cost cutters

Just a relative helping out according to the story in the Standard

bit of a fuck up all round. don't film you mis demeanours seems to be the message from this.

ted fenton 8:26 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
He was a poxy employee more than likely on the minimum wage and realised he could slap the lad about !
IMO the shop worker needs the slap.

bruuuno 8:26 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
If he wasnt a you know everyone on here would be praising him. FACT

mashed in maryland 8:21 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
And the system? Shoplifters get 6 months for hundreds of convictions then are back out in your local shopping centre doing the exact same thing to the exact same shops.

No one's arsed, it's petty crime.

Bet that particular shoplifter won't be going back to that particular shop again though will he.

mashed in maryland 8:20 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
If you dialled 999 to report someone shoplifting they'd probably tell you to fuck off.

DukeofDevo 8:10 Mon Jun 15
Re: Instant justice for shoplifting or a bit ott?
Bit different, someone breaking into someones house or shoplifting some low value shit from cost cutters though MIM.

If the shop guy had wanted to protect his business he would have called the police and put the lowlife through the system.

And again the bloke wasn't even posing a threat anything after the first two slaps is well OTT

And the idiot filmed it and put it on line FMOB!

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